Couple, acrylic on mylar, 2(6×3 ft)

Dance is one of the oldest forms of human expression. Ever since humanity initiated the rituals that were to ensure its survival, people have swayed and moved to the rhythms of music, using their bodies to appease the gods and to express their joys and sorrows. And later, in dark and hidden caves, their marks on stone walls became the earliest form of visual art.
These works explore the link between these two basic, non-verbal human activities: painting and dance. The human form, be it in the passion of dance, or in the ecstasy of seeing it come alive on canvas, nourishes and excites me, fulfilling my need for truth and simplicity.
The human factor in dance is vital and irreplaceable; dance is an art form that relies totally on muscle and bone, intelligence and creativity. Painting, on the other hand, is the artist’s interpretation of the reality of movement.
These painted dancing figures bring together two art forms going back to the very beginnings of the human race.